İnternette Güvenlik için Güçlü Şifre Oluşturma

İnternette Güvenlik , iyi bir şifre kullanmaktan geçer. İnternette kişisel hesaplarımızın (e-posta, facebook, twitter, instagram vb.) güvenliği için bulunması ve çözülmesi zor şifre belirlemeliyiz. Güçlü şifre belirlemenin belli kuralları vardır. Bu kurallar şifrelerimizin bulunmasını yaklaşık imkansız hale getirir.
Dünya - 19/11/2023 08:26 A A

İnternette Güvenlik , iyi bir şifre kullanmaktan geçer. İnternette kişisel hesaplarımızın (e-posta, facebook, twitter, instagram vb.) güvenliği için bulunması ve çözülmesi zor şifre belirlemeliyiz. Güçlü şifre belirlemenin belli kuralları vardır. Bu kurallar şifrelerimizin bulunmasını yaklaşık imkansız hale getirir.

İnternette Güvenlik için Nelerden Uzak Durmalıyız?

Kullanıcı adınızı şifre oluştururken, şifre içinde kullanmak şifrenizin bulunabilirliğini arttırır. Kullanıcı adını şifre içerisinde kullanmamaya dikkat ediniz. Şifre oluştururken internette güvenlik kapsamında şifre içerisine (ad, soyad, doğum tarihi vb) bilgileri girmemeliyiz. Ardışık sayılar, harfler ve özel karakterlerden uzak durulması güçlü şifre için önemli hususlardandır. Ayrıca klavyedeki yan yana bulunan tuş kombinasyonlarına da dikkat edilmeli ve kullanılmamalıdır. Örnek olarak; qwerty, asdf, zxcv vb. gibi ardışık harf sıralamalarından uzak durunuz.

İnternette Güvenlik için Nelere Dikkat Etmeliyiz?

Öncelikle güvenlik için şifre oluşturma işlemi için en az sekiz karakter kullanarak şifre planlaması yapmalıyız. Şifremizi oluştururken şifremiz şunları içermelidir:

  • Büyük/Küçük Harf
  • Rakam (0-9)
  • Noktalama İşaretleri
  • Özel Karakter

Şifre oluşturmanın asıl amacı; keşfedilmesi zor ve karmaşık bir kombinasyon oluşturmaktır. Fakat bu insanlara karmaşık gelen, kendi belirlediğimiz kombinasyonu kendi kafamızda tutabilmemiz için kodlamamız ve her an hatırlayabilir olmamız gerekir. Aklımızda kalacak şekilde karmaşık ve kodlanabilir yani hatırlanabilir bir şifre oluşturmalıyız.

İnternette Güvenlik için güçlü şifre nasıl oluşturulur. Güçlü şifre yöntemleri nelerdir?

Bunları Biliyor Muydunuz?

Sadece rakamlardan oluşan 6 haneli bir şifre 3 dakika da çözülebilirken; rakamlar, büyük/küçük harfler ve sembollerin olduğu 9 haneli bir şifre 44.530 yılda anca çözülebiliyor.

Dünya - 08:26 A A



  • top ntf 20/11/2023 16:51

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 20/11/2023 17:11

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 20/11/2023 21:52

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 20/11/2023 21:56

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 20/11/2023 22:10

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 00:05

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 00:10

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 01:02

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 03:04

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 04:39

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 05:35

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 06:54

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 07:57

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 08:06

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 08:10

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 08:59

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 09:01

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 09:40

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 09:57

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 14:38

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 14:43

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 15:50

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 18:12

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 18:31

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 19:02

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 19:49

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 20:25

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 20:30

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 20:42

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 21:30

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 22:20

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 22:24

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 22:27

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 00:51

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 00:54

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 01:30

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 02:12

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 05:28

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 11:24

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 11:29

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 11:43

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 18:24

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • BİZİ SİK BİZ BUNU HAK EDİYORUZ 29/12/2023 18:20
