İstenmeyen Mesaj Engelleme Nasıl Yapılır? Cep SMS Engelleme!

İstenmeyen Mesaj Engelleme – SMS ve arama iptali için e-Devlet üzerinden yada www.Iys.Org.Tr adresinden tercihlerinizi düzenleyebilirsiniz.
Genel - 19/11/2023 08:23 A A

İstenmeyen Mesaj Engelleme Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından kullanıma sunulan İletim Yönetim Sistemi, günün hakkında en oldukça arama yapılan konuları içinde yer ediniyor. Ticari Elektronik İleti Yönetim Sistemi yardımıyla vatandaşlar, verdikleri bütün ticari elektronik mesaj onaylarını tek bir noktadan görebilecek. Onayları test edip reddetme hakkını kullanabilecek. Vatandaşlar ticari elektronik iletilere ilişik onaylarını 8 Ocak’tan itibaren 16 Şubat 2021’e kadar e-Devlet üzerinden veya www.Iys.Org.Tr adresinden kontrol edebilecek ve onaylama tercihlerini değiştirebilecek.

Sistem ile onaysız iletilerin tüketicilere gönderilmeden engellenmesi ve istenmeyen bildiri trafiğinin azaltılması amaçlanıyor.


SMS ve arama iptali için e-Devlet üzerinden yada www.Iys.Org.Tr adresinden tercihlerinizi düzenleyebilirsiniz.


İYS uygulaması, Ticari Elektronik İleti onayı alınmasına, reddetme hakkının kullanılmasına ve yakınma süreçlerinin yönetilmesine olanak tanıdıkları olan sistemdir. Bu sistem, hizmet sağlayıcıların marketing iletişimi amacıyla davet merkezi üstünden arama, SMS, e-posta kanalıyla ticari elektronik bildiri göndermek için alıcılardan aldıkları onayları saklayıp yönetebilmesine, alıcıların ise onay ve ret hakkını kullanabilmesine, ticari elektronik şikayetlerini iletebilmesine ve yönetebilmesine imkan tanıyor.


İleti Yönetim Sistemi`nin web sitesine girdiğinizde karşınıza çıkan sayfada en önce “Vatandaş Girişi” bölümüne tıklamanız gerekiyor.


Daha sonrasında oluşturulan sayfada telefon numaranızı ekleyebileceğiniz bir alan bulunuyor. Buraya numaranızı ve gelen doğrulama kodunu girmelisiniz.

Bir sonraki sayfada ise “Aydınlatma Metni” çıkıyor. Bunu okuduktan sonra, “Okudum, anladım” kutusunu işaretlemelisiniz.

Daha sonrasında, size elektronik ileti gönderme iznine sahip firmaları bir bir inceleyebilirsiniz. Mesaj ve arama iznini güncelleyip kaydedebilirsiniz.


E-Devlet üzerinden de bu işlemi yapabilirsiniz. Yapmanız gereken sisteme girip “Ticari Elektronik İleti Yönetim Sistemi”ni aratmak.


Daha sonrasında “Yeni İletişim Adresi Ekle” kısmından telefon numaranızı veya e-Posta adresinizi ekleyebilirsiniz. Burada da Aydınlatma Metnini okuyup onaylamanız gerekiyor.

E-Devlet üzerinden bir bir onaylarınızı inceleyip düzenleyebilirsiniz.

150 bin adedin üstünde ve altında ticari elektronik bildiri onayı olan hizmet sağlayıcıların sisteme verilerini yüklemesi için değişik süreler belirlendi.

Belirlenen sürelerde vatandaşın ret hakkını kullanmaması halinde, sisteme aktarılan veriler onaylı sayılacak.

Vatandaşlar istedikleri vakit ticari elektronik mesaj tercihlerini değiştirebilecek.

İnternette Güvenlik İçin Güçlü Şifre Oluşturma Nasıl yapılır?

Genel - 08:23 A A



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    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

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    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

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    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

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    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

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    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 04:33

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 04:39

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 05:34

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 06:54

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 07:56

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 08:09

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 08:59

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 09:01

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 09:39

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 09:57

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 14:38

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 14:42

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 15:49

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 18:11

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 18:29

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 19:01

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 19:18

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 19:48

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 20:24

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 20:30

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 20:42

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 21:29

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 22:20

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 22:23

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 21/11/2023 22:26

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 00:51

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 00:54

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 00:57

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 01:30

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 02:12

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 05:28

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 11:24

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 11:28

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 11:43

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

  • top ntf 22/11/2023 18:23

    Our partners have opened a new site I personally supervise the work of employees. In honor of the new year we are giving new users a registration bonus with promo code: NEWUSER24. It gives +70% on the first deposit. Soon we will introduce new artificial intelligence for better work.

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